Parkour Animation Redesign

I recently found myself thinking about an animation I'd created in my first-year of University. The idea of it was to create a 40-50 second hand-drawn animation running at at 12 frames per second, I remember spending around 3 weeks on it around other University work and drawing around 500 frames on A4 paper. So I was a bit stumped why I had never included it on my portfolio.

Then I watched it back. At the time I had been in a bit of a rush to get the animation all compressed into a video. It was 3:00am the night before it was due, my scanner wasn't working and photographing with a DSLR camera was proving tricky. Which was when I remembered "you can create stop frame animations on a 3DS can't you?".

This lead to a real drop in the quality of the video and watching nearly 10 years on it's a bit difficult to make out what's going on at times. At the time it served it's purpose though and is actually one of the factors for my class mates asking me to join their groups to create the animations in 2nd and 3rd year projects.

So after all of this time I though it's finally get it uploaded but I also through that I could do a major over hall of the animation adding in new camera angles and developing the story a bit more. The  following is the rough pass of the upgraded animation that includes new scenes and traces of the original animation. The next step following this is to draw in a proper original character and up the frame-rate so that it all looks slicker.

Daniel Vaughan
Computer Games Design graduate from South Wales. Enthusiastic gamer, otaku, games journalist, doodler and wannabe animator.